5 Ways To Get The Man of Your DREAMS Out of Your Dreams And Into Your LIFE!

As a professional life coach and author of the system and booklet, The Art of Manifestation, I guide people who seek extraordinary relationships in life. Why spend time in relationships that have reached their limit, aren’t productive, stunt your growth or are just plain toxic? There are reasons for these disruptive aspects of relationships and, fortunately, we are the source of the outcomes in these relationships. This means, of course, that we can control what we create.


Want the man of your dreams?

Follow these five simple steps and he’ll step right into your life!

1. Be clear about what you want. It’s not enough to say that you want to “be happy in a relationship.” When you’re vague, you actually open the door to some pretty unsatisfying results. Clarify exactly what kind of person you desire. How are you and your prospective other half similar and different? What do you have in common? How can that person enrich your life? How do you enrich his life? Think about what is really important to you in a relationship and what is not so important. Visualize the man you want with those specifics in mind. Also, don’t create unrequited love.

2. Clarify who YOU are for them – like the woman of their dreams! Communicate. Communication is key! In our modern times, communication has been reduced to a few confusing symbols and letters strewn about in the body of our text messages. Texting and emails are no way to truly convey important and foundation forming communications, especially in the early era of a relationship.

3. Learning the art of communication will serve you in all of your relationships and, after all, aren’t our relationships what it’s all about in life? Be genuine, clear, calm, and positive when engaging your listener by involving their world into the mix of your interests, needs and wants. Listen. People only want two fundamental things in life: 1.)To make a difference in the world and 2.) to be accepted and loved unconditionally. Truly listening to another person will help him feel accepted and understood – essentially valued –by his contribution to your life. Quiet your mental chatter, focus and participate by asking questions about what your speaker is saying. Listening can make all of the difference in the world! Take this on and watch your charisma grow and your world transform!

4. Be the person who you want. Demonstrating the qualities of the person you want to be with is a great way to work with the Law of Attraction. We want to be with someone who is open-minded, healthy, fun, positive and up-beat, right? Look to see if you express these traits. If so, you’ll attract like-minded people of all kinds from all four corners of the map! Practice patience and be unattached to results. Infinite patience doesn’t mean you won’t get results until the end of eternity, it just allows you to practice patience so that you are able to allow the one to show up.

5. Play full out; engage in life without placing expectations on the results. You’ll always be satisfied and may even discover something else sweet about what life has to offer other than your future sweet-y. Keep these practices up and your inner world will shift, leaving you to discover an outer world that is in alignment with ideal living. And when that happens, the man of your dreams may become a living reality sooner than you think. As Buddha said, “All we are is a result of our thoughts.” It may take some effort in the beginning before it becomes second nature, but it is oh so worth it.

L.U.C.K.! How Do We Create Luck In Our Lives?

The Art of Manifestation, in some ways, is a matter of luck. Sounds ironic, doesn't it? Many discuss manifestation as a proactive course that requires regular engagement and input for the very best results that help create happiness. This is true. But belief also helps sustain us while we attend the manifestation process on a daily basis. And belief requires faith and optimism, providing us openness, which creates growth and – you guessed it – manifestation. Take a look below at a wonderful excerpt from HEART, SMARTS, GUTS and LUCK that shows us how the many forms of luck allow us the create the lives that we really want – and really need.

LUCK: Random, coincidence, or created? Some people believe in luck and this belief, in many ways, makes them luckier. Luck is part of their optimistic outlook and openness to new things. Importantly, they embrace the notion that there are other forces beyond themselves and their own understanding, as well as serendipitous encounters that play a critical role in their success. There are many things that make up this Lucky Attitude, but the most critical is the trifecta of humility, intellectual curiosity and optimism. Here is a brief definition of these crucial factors, which help create your luck. The foundation of a Lucky Attitude is humility.

Humility is a key trait of high-performing leaders. Having a Lucky Attitude begins with awareness of your own limitations; appreciation of the broader efforts of those around you; and a nonjudgmental stance. If you’re in a position of power, leadership is not always easy. You need enough self-confidence to win the respect of others, but that confidence – which often comes with positional authority – needs to be counterbalanced with the recognition that there is so much more that you do not know.

Humility humanizes leaders and permits them to be luckier. It is the root of self-awareness and it crates the space to take on our next Lucky Attitude trait: intellectual curiosity. Intellectual curiosity is an active response to humility. Humility leads to intellectual curiosity or at least the capacity for it. People who are fully confident are less likely to question their personal assumptions or outlook on the world. A life builder who is intellectually curious has a voracious desire to learn more just about anything. He devours books, listens to suggestions and tirelessly explores new ideas. In the end, thanks to his willingness to meet new people, ask new questions, and go to new places, he has a greater chance of being exposed to and rewarded by luck. Optimism is the energy source for positive change.

If humility is the foundation for intellectual curiosity, then optimism gives people the belief, inspiration and energy that enable the realization of new possibilities. More, better and faster are always possible in the mindset of an optimist. It is a self-fulfilling prophecy: more luck tends to come to those people who believe in possibility and see the good in something before the bad. Optimists are givers of energy, rather than takers of it. Their positive dispositions put them in the path of a greater number of “surprise” encounters with good fortune. Driven by an unshakable belief in the potential for better, they tend, as well, to act on what they find through their intellectually curious pursuits. This completes the virtuous circle of the Lucky Attitude: optimism coupled with execution capabilities is what allows us to take full advantage of the luck bestowed on us. The luckiest people in the world are those who say to themselves: I am humble enough to realize that I don’t know how to and can’t do some things on my own; I am curious and courageous enough to ask questions that may be embarrassingly naïve; and I embrace the “glass half-full” optimism that the end result can always be improved upon.

Types of Luck Luck comes in three forms: Dumb Luck, Constitutional Luck and Circumstantial Luck. Of these, it is Circumstantial Luck that we can influence the most. Constitutional Luck deals with elements and environments into which you are born, and Dumb Luck is just what it sounds like – and is, therefore, the least within our sphere of influence potential.

Dumb Luck When we pick a card from a deck, we have a 2% chance of drawing the ace of hearts. The odds that the card will end up in our hands are slight, but a small chance exists that it might. Whatever card we end up holding will simply have to do with neutral probability, or put another way, pure Dumb Luck. Because we cannot govern this kind of Dumb Luck, I won’t say much more about it here.

Constitutional Luck Where one is born and the environment one is brought up in determines this kind of luck. Specific resources help define constitutional luck as well. If you are reading this, then you are already a benefactor of constitutional luck.

Circumstantial Luck You’re planning to meet your older brother for a casual lunch at a new restaurant. At the last minute, he calls to say he’s running late. To utilize your time, you make your way into a nearby park and you catch sight of an old friend you haven’t seen in years. After enthusiastically telling her about your new business, your old friends suggest you speak with an acquaintance of hers. This meeting results in driving you to new levels of success. You were uncannily lucky in the course of events. Why Ignorance Is Beneficial Having an optimistic Forrest Gump-like view of the world can unlock new perspectives. If you are oblivious to, or dismissive of, the risk factors in a given business situation, you might ultimately end up becoming more successful. It’s curious when you think about it: knowing your constraints in one case helps drive creativity, but not knowing them can also drive you toward innovative brilliance.


Excerpts from HEART, SMARTS, GUTS and LUCK by Tjan, Harrington and Hsieh

Watch The Art of Manifestation Video

Dates & Mates Radio Interview! "Spring" Into Love!

Interviewed by the vivacious Damona Hoffman!

Listen in and learn how to let intuition guide your love life!
How to find your soulmate!
How to become more intuitive and psychic!
How to create a successful platform to cause your relationship to flourish!
Being powerful and effective in all relationships!

Click here to listen to the full, unedited version of the show on UBN!

March's Featured Testimonial - 2014


I'm so impressed & grateful for the guidance that Sterling gave me! She is the real deal & I wish I could just yell from the mountain tops the truth she shares.

Through AOM I did extremely healthy learning about myself on a deep level & I find myself forgiving & releasing every day. I feel ultimate peace even when presented with chaotic situations. But I know people want to know about the magic, which I have experienced! Once I began, magic & miracles began to manifest IMMENSELY - from free groceries, to UNBELIEVABLE phone calls about new opportunities, to career changing & life changing emails, recognition, to more love, more abundance, & a supreme gratefulness!!!

The opportunities have been POURING in. A new found confidence & happiness has presented itself in what are high pressure situations. I am also feeling healthy, & fit & beautiful. I like myself more than ever & I love my relationship with the universe. Thank you Sterling, life coach, life changer, life friend!

Sofia G.

My Life Is Ideal Now!!

Solutions for New Year's Resolutions


As practicing spiritual life coach, I am often approached by clients who seek to fulfill important goals. Through my unique Art of Manifestation program, I am able to help them attain these goals when they create their wonderful New Year. Most of my clients wish to make lasting New Year’s resolutions stick. But how do they do it?

Right now, it's an exciting time to create New Year’s resolutions, right? Maybe yours include taking time to exercise, engaging socially with friends, attending meetup groups, eating healthier, saving money, taking a vacation, managing stress, taking an art class, helping others or simply taking more time out for you! It can also be a confronting time when we think about our past, unfulfilled New Year's resolutions. How do we keep these new resolutions from falling to the wayside? I've created an easy Top 10 Tips list for keeping your New Year's resolutions right on track!

1. Be sure it is something you can truly commit to.

Be honest with yourself. Is it something you truly want or does it just sound good on paper? Create resolutions that which inspires you the most at this time. Don't overwhelm yourself with too many commitments. Take on resolutions that light you up the most. Once those have come into being you can create more even before the year is up. It doesn't have to be a New Year to keep creating a new life for yourself.

2. Keep your focus

(Don’t go unconscious) (Start your day with) Morning visualizations will set you up for your day. Keep seeing yourself with the desired results and reaping the benefits of your New Year's resolutions. This will keep you on track and will have you connecting with the experience of doing it and experiencing the results.

3. Keep a daily diary.

Implement your New Year's Resolutions into your daily plans or weekly plans. Schedule it into your day and write about it at the end of the day. This keeps it present and alive for you and will help keep you on target.

4. Tell others

We want others to see our best side. We want to share stories of success, not failure. Telling others what you are up will keep you accountable to your word. So when someone asks you how your new workout routine is going you can reply by saying "Great!".

5. Be determined.

Do not let anything take you off track. Do not let anyone, including you, talk you into allowing old habits to creep back in. It's easy to go back to what is familiar to us, but what is familiar may have comforting factors it is not ultimately fulfilling. Remember, it takes a little time for your new year's resolutions to become what is familiar to you AND what is satisfying as well. Also, if you get off track, simply admit to it and get back on track. It really is that simple.

6. Take bite-sized action.

Commit yourself to one month, if you feel overwhelmed with the commitment you’ve made. After one month, access whether you’d like to take on another month. Repeat this action. It’s a little trick we can play on ourselves because it takes approximately 21 days for change to occur and for something to become more habitual and second nature. By the time a month is over chances are we’ve acclimated it into our life-style and by then slipping back into our old ways may prove to be harder than you think! Also, remember: Consistency is the key. If we can be consistent for a period of time the rest is easy. Plus the headway we make and the results we experience is enough to strengthen our commitment – for good.

7. Use the buddy system

Having a friend fulfilling on the same resolutions as yours is another way to stay on the path! There are lots of resolutions that could involve a buddy such as: exercising, meet ups, eating healthy, quitting bad habits, hobbies, just to name a few. When we have someone else sharing the same goals it can keep us in check by having someone else depending on us to fulfill. We don’t want to let our friend down or set a bad example, right? Our friends rely on us to reach our goals and fulfilling on our goal is twice as sweet with someone else celebrating the same results. Even if are New Year’s resolutions don’t involve others, we can still share our goals to have that added support.

8. Visual reminders.

Put images of what you desire everywhere. On the frig, in the bathroom, on your desk, on your screensaver, in your wallet, in your car. Where ever you spend time, put a visual reminder of what you want to come to fruition.

9. Reward yourself.

At least once a week, do something extra special for yourself as a reward for keeping to your goals. Maybe it's an inexpensive massage, having a sweet treat, buying yourself a piece of clothing, or something adventurous like horse-back riding, or maybe simply taking a scenic drive all on your own!

10. Acknowledge yourself.

Give yourself credit for taking on new habits and choosing to make lifestyle changes. That alone is the first step towards success.( Remind yourself you are worth it) Keep moving in the right direction and you will find yourself fulfilling on those "hard to keep" New Year's Resolutions in no time!


New Year's resolutions don't have to be a daunting experience it simply takes some practice and a little effort.(Applying these tips can make the difference between making your New Year’s resolutions stick or breaking them) Before your new year is up, these resolutions will seem like second nature and you will not only be reaping the benefits of your New Year's resolutions but you will be saying "hello" to a new you and a new way of life! (Even the simplest things can seem hard to change because we are creatures of habit but that doesn’t mean we can’t change and the good news about being creatures of habit is once these new changes take, it is a lot harder to change back to our old ways and old self.)

Book Now!

Creating A New You and a New Life - Like Never Before!

Happy Holidays & Happy New Year! 2014!

It's that time when a New Year is heralding a re-birth and calls for us to follow suit. 

Time to say good-bye to certain things and hello to others. It's more than New Year's resolutions that eventually fall away or even making plans and having a "hook or by crook" attitude in acheiving them. The Art of Manifestation is wholly different, unique and unlike anything you've ever experienced. It's more about creating from a place of empowerment, not fear or the past. A limitless place where we create without boundaries and actually reach the sky! Since there really isn't any thing out there to compare The Art of Manifestation to, I will say it's unlike the life you've always known. More like speaking your dreams into existence just by your word. Effortlessly, easily and with speed and velocity. Gracefully dancing through life as it magically and miraculously unfolds. 

To get a closer glimpse into The Art Of Manifestation:

The Art of Manifestation Overview

The Art of Manifestation © is a singular and powerful program that enables Intuitive Life By Sterling clients to clear their past, define their truest dreams and create the life that they have always intended. Sterling offers The Art of Manifestation as a complete one-on-one 2-hour session at her ILBS spiritual life coaching practice in West Hollywood, California.

People have an uncanny way of putting past experiences into their future. This is the reason why we often get more of what we don't want instead of what we want. How do we change this? We don't. And here’s why. Change is simply re-arranging the same things in another order. At first glance, these things look different, but they really are not. Transformation, on the other hand, is the creation of something from nothing – a sort of genesis. When we transform, we can create a new idea without interference from the past. Think about when you were a child. How easy was it to invent new things and experiences in life? Pretty easy, right? We were free to live and create in a world of possibility, which is in sharp contrast to the restrictions that we develop and collect as adults. We also seemed to have endless amounts of energy, enthusiasm, conviction, belief, hope, faith and determination to go forth and make our dreams come true. So, what went wrong? Life happened.

Through The Art of Manifestation, Sterling takes you back to the beginning, enabling you to powerfully complete the past and be free to create the life you've always wanted. Then, she provides a unique and empowering template for success that allows you to powerfully stay you on course in all areas of your life every day. With this, you will experience The Art of Manifestation NOW, as the big picture begins to blossom with speed and velocity!

By simply following Sterling’s Art of Manifestation program, clients rapidly achieve their goals and attain the life that they have always desired effortlessly.

Isn't your life worth it?

Call or email for setting up your appointment today!

October's Featured Testimonial - 2013


Sterling is heaven sent! I started seeing her back in April with a friend for a quick reading. Not only was she spot on EVERYTHING in the reading, so I kept going back!

Since then....

I've gone to repeated appointments that included:
1) Tarot readings
2) Birth Chart
3) Life Coach Sessions

Every session with Sterling is so special. She is extremely caring, free-spirted, and always remembers anything we had discussed from the past. She isn't someone who is out to steal your money or is a fake (hard to come by in her industry!). She offers so much more than just card readings and feel blessed to have found her. 

To elaborate:

1) Tarot Readings

-Addiction alert!-- 
Her readings have always been so spot on and I've always left feeling better about ANY upcoming or stressful situation that has been on my mind. I can't even begin to explain the creepy examples of her accuracy. She once predicted this guy I was seeing had some type of addiction, she said "sex addiction." So of course, later that day I asked the guy and kind of looked at me in this odd manner like "how the heck did she know that?!" and admitted to it. Before I had even contemplated quitting my job and moving out of state, she predicted that the first reading in April and now it is actually happening this month!!  Anyways.. I could rant on how spot on her readings ALWAYS are.

2) Birth Chart Analysis

My birth chart was fun and definitely gave an amazing in-sight view how or why I may react ways to situations and has helped me apply certain tendencies to everyday life. Not to mention, this was a fun session that will also creep everyone out once you see your birth chart unfold.


If you're feeling stuck in any area of life or have been reading about "The Secret" and want to make some serious changes... FAST..... THIS IS THE ANSWER FOR YOU.

Sterling has perfected the art of manifestation and blows "The Secret" out of the water. Once you implement her customized program, your life changes immediately. It's something you must experience yourself to really understand. My life went from complete chaos, to structured and organized bliss. Any dream you can imagine is right around the corner.. I quickly realized that anything in life is truly attainable. 

I've stop asking "when is this going to happen?"... and I just know that it will. Save your money by going to a therapist and try Sterling's Life Coaching methods first. Again, this is something you need to try for yourself to truly understand.

After my many life changing sessions with Sterling, I don't feel like I've wasted a penny. I've gained a life coach, friend, mentor and someone who will frequently check up on how I'm doing (always seems to be at the right times!). From her smile and energy.. to even to her advice.... you truly won't find a more genuine person to help you feel more grounded, have your questions answered and leave with a smile on your face.

Sara M.

August's Featured Testimonial - 2013


I went to Sterling for The Art of Manifestation system - it's life changing! In one 2 hour session she broke down her technique for transforming my life, with lots of fun, personal asides. I was initially worried about the investment in coaching sessions, but she immediately put me at ease with her warm, generous nature, & went through a step by step guide. I felt completely energized & confident after this session, & started implementing it as soon as I got home. Its been 3 days & I'm already seeing movement & success in my life. My representation called me with new opportunities out of the blue! Best of all has been the complete 180 in my mindset, I feel calmer and happier with this new outlook on life and knowing things are in motion. I highly recommend Sterling for life coaching, tarot and the Art of Manifestation! 

Renee T.