How Do You View LOVE?

Love is exhilarating, scary, fun, adventurous, risky, all-encompassing……

How do you view love? What are the stories/ideas you have about love, your love life. Do you find that the same kind of stories keep repeating themselves? Or do you tend to swing from one extreme of a story to another, such as you initiate a break up in one relationship but in the next relationship it’s you who gets dumped.

Often I have clients who come to me looking for love confused by their isolation and loneliness. They’ve never taken a look deep inside where their “love story” resides.

Having the tools to transform these stories/ideas are key to changing our experience of our world within and the world that surrounds us. Loving ourselves first is not a new idea but Sometimes our ideas of loving ourselves is actually an attempt to create love for ourselves in an attempt to cover up self-loathing. It’s like putting icing on a mud pie - the taste is not so sweet. We have to be genuine with ourselves and locate where and why we experience self-loathing before we can transform it. This is the work I stand by. It’s when we locate certain things in a certain way that we experience the “aha” moment that allows a powerful and permanent shift to occur within us. Allowing us access to what we want in our lives. Able to alter our outcomes in a favorable and most desirable way. Love is …. Looking for you as you are looking for it. Have the love you want. Perfect and ideal? Or leaving something to be desired. neither are right or wrong it really just depends on what you want!